3D TARGET, in its continuing pursuit of innovation in the field of mobile mapping, is excited to present the new addition to the Scanfly series: the Scanfly ULTRA X, the first mapping system featuring triple returns and a range of up to 300 m on a 32 channels LiDAR head, with the exclusive integration of the state-of-the-art Hesai XT32M2X.
3D TARGET srl is proud to announce the full integration of the Applanix control interface in the Scanfly core. The integrated Web App can easily configure and control all the parameters of an Applanix based Inertial Navigation System through the usual interface. Effective immediately, each Scanfly model can be delivered with the single antenna, single receiver Applanix APX-15L as an option.
A keystone of the easy-to-use philosophy of the Scanfly series, SmartProcessing Lidar features the 3D Target’s proprietary direct geo-referencing engine to empower the extraction of accurate point clouds from the best estimate of the trajectory and the synchronized Lidar data. From the definition of the lines to be extracted to the export settings, the procedure requires just a few clicks.
We are delighted to officially announce these launches during Intergeo 2021 – Hannover 21-23 September 2021. Visit us live or digitally !
Here follow the agenda for the digital exhibition:
21 September 2021
9-10: public space
10-11: presentation “Discover a new world of possibilities with Scanfly”
11-12: public space
12-13: presentation “3DT Scanfly high voltage powerlines application”
13-14: public space
14-15: public space
15-16: presentation “3DT Scanfly lidar survey as a tool to prevent landslides”
16-17: public space
17-18: presentation “3DT Scanfly river basin survey”
22 September 2021
9-10: public space
10-11: presentation “3DT Scanfly high voltage powerlines application”
11-12: public space
12-13: presentation “Discover a new world of possibilities with Scanfly”
13-14: public space
14-15: public space
15-16: presentation “3DT Scanfly river basin survey”
16-17: public space
17-18: presentation “3DT Scanfly lidar survey as a tool to prevent landslides”
23 September 2021
9-10: public space
10-11: presentation “3DT Scanfly river basin survey”
11-12: public space
12-13: presentation “3DT Scanfly lidar survey as a tool to prevent landslides”
13-14: public space
14-15: public space
15-16: presentation “Discover a new world of possibilities with Scanfly”
16-17: public space
17-18: presentation “3DT Scanfly high voltage powerlines application”
Thank You!
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